
Feb 26, 2015

Getuk Lindri

Indonesia is famous for traditional cakes and many kinds, for this time I present a recipe to bake "getuk Lindri" very tasty, and also tempting sweet cake lovers.
while to make it interesting to look you can add food coloring.
The following recipe:
basic material
500gr grated cassava
160gr sugar
Salt 1/2 teaspoon salt
food coloring according to your taste


1/2 Finely grated coconut
1/4 teaspoon salt
mix all the dough and steamed briefly, then cool to room temperature

how to make
1. peeled all cassava, then wash and then cut into small
2. boiled cassava pieces until soft and supple
3. creamed boiled cassava, mix the sugar and salt, and stir until evenly distributed.
4. for the dough can be large small and sprinkle evenly food coloring in each fist.
5. serve with grated coconut

serve in the afternoon with the family, enjoy



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